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Accessible Charts Done Right

This presentation is about how to build interactive charts accessible for everybody.

What can be better than beautiful, descriptive and interactive charts for presenting complex data? We like charts because we tend to perceive graphical information faster than plain text. But what about people with visual impairments? How do they get information from charts? Is it even possible to make charts for everybody? Definitely yes! In this presentation I will guide you through real world examples and identify solutions and best practices for making charts accessible.

Friday, 2018-10-05 @ 15:00
> Skill level: intermediate
> Duration: 25 min

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Photo of Sergei Kriger

Sergei Kriger

Sergei fell in love with web development at the high school level (yes, Windows 95 was still the hot shit and everybody was doing table layout). He got a degree in Information Technologies from the University in Helsinki and spent professional career working for web design studios in Helsinki and Munich. Sergei's focus areas are JavaScript development, UX and accessibility.

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