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Where are the women?

Women, people of colour and other minorities are underrepresented and sometimes feel unwelcome in tech. We need to fix this.

Diversity is a problem in tech. Minority groups lack visibility and representation, once (and if) hired, are often either assimilated or excluded. We've been spending a lot of time arguing about diversity, lately. It's time we took a closer look at the dialectic in the diversity debate – and see what’s helpful, and what isn’t.

This talk* will help you understand and begin to fix the diversity issue in technology and beyond. It'll help you contribute to our community becoming more accessible, inclusive, and welcoming for everyone.

  • contains aspects of graph theory and plenty of awesome GIFs

Friday, 2018-10-05 @ 16:50
> Skill level: elementary
> Duration: 25 min

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Photo of Dora Militaru

Dora Militaru

Dora is a senior developer at the Financial Times, where she works on, leading the team responsible for having implemented the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Her true passion is tinkering with web performance optimisations. She lives in London with her partner and two cats, and occasionally hosts a friendly brunch club from her living room.

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