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A Token Walks Into a SPA...

It can be hard NOT to build SPAs these days. Having to deal with SPA security though, may make you reconsider. Don't. There is a way!

Seems like all you hear about these days are Single Page Applications. Angular, React, Vue, Ember are transforming the way we think about the frontend. But what about securing these applications? This often tends to take a back seat to speed, animations and other cool features of these frameworks. Between cookies, tokens, keeping users authenticated, and handling resource access, securing these apps can be tricky - you may even feel like you need a second page (gasp!) for your authentication setup! But we have the technology to create truly secure single-page applications. In this talk, we’ll walk through securing a Vue application, but our approach will apply to nearly any single-page application framework.

Friday, 2018-10-05 @ 15:35
> Skill level: intermediate
> Duration: 45 min

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Photo of Ado Kukic

Ado Kukic

Ado is a full-stack developer, advocate, and evangelist at Auth0. Mixing his passion of programming and education, he creates tutorials, talks, courses, and other educational content focusing on security, authentication, and much more. On the front-end, he prefers Angular, while on the backend he flip-flops between Node.js and Golang.

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